Well, lets see....
Sunshine for more than two days in a row... Check!
Hardly any snow............................................... Check!
Moving has occurred..........................................Check!
Been embarrassed due to unshaved legs/armpits.Check!
Went running without collapsing a lung.........Check!
Stopped putting beer outside in the snow to get it cold....Check!
Thought about painting my toenails.................Check
Thought about getting a pedicure.......................Check!
Someone is playing a friggin drum on the lawn..Check!
I think it might be Spring!!!!!!!!!!
All things considered, we have had a great winter here in Newfoundland, but nothing compared that feel when the clouds part and spring is upon us. Still keeping bundled up, you can feel the unfolding of winter blahs, the spring in peoples step and the thirst for summer sweetness.
Enjoy everyone, Happy April Fools day!
Xo chels